Monday, January 28, 2019

Here’s What Sexologist in Bhopal Say About Sexual Dysfunction

According to the Best Sexologist in Bhopal, sexual dysfunction is a term that is used to describe any sort of difficulties experienced by men or women while having sex with their partner. The odds of sexual dysfunction in men and women increment with their age. However, it does not mean that young individuals are safe. Truth to be told, these days, a great degree of young men and women are being affected by sexual dysfunction due to an unhealthy lifestyle, stress, adulterated foods, and so forth.

There are several sorts of sexual dysfunctions, which include but not limited to:

1. Sexual Desire Disorders

“An individual would be said to be suffering from sexual desire disorder, if he or she experiences lack or absence of desire for sex for a longer period of time, say for more than 2 months,” states the Best Sexologist in Bhopal.

The reason behind such sexual desire disorder, in case of women, may include decrement in the production of estrogen. On the other hand, lack of testosterone in men may decrement their desire for sex significantly. It is also vital for you to know that aging, fatigue, pregnancy, marital disharmony, performance anxiety, may also result in low desire for sex in both men and women. There are certain medications, such as, beta blockers, anti-depressants, etc. which might reduce your desire for sex.

2. Sexual Arousal Disorders

Sexual arousal disorder is also termed as frigid in case of women, and impotence in case of men. Lack or absence of response to sexual stimulation is often referred to as sexual arousal disorder. Best Sexologist in Bhopal admits that, in men, conditions, such as, diabetes mellitus, thyroid dysfunction, decreased testosterone levels, cholesterol deposits in arteries, etc. can cause sexual arousal disorder. In women, conditions, such as, menopause, illness, lack of vaginal lubrication, etc. can cause sexual arousal disorder.

3. Premature Ejaculation

If a man reaches climax soon without being able to have a satisfactory sexual activity, it is referred to as premature ejaculation. Around 20% to 30% of men suffer from premature ejaculation. In the event that premature ejaculation happens occasionally, there is nothing to bother about. However, if you experience that premature ejaculation is hampering your sex life as well as your relationship with your partner, seek help from the Best Sexologist in Bhopal at the earliest.

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