Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Top Reasons Behind Painful Intercourse

While having sex with your partner for the first time, you scream out of severe pain as your partner tries to penetrate you. You are having intercourse with your partner for the first time, and you do not expect that it would be so painful for you. The harder you try, the more painful it gets, and makes things worse. You might believe that both you and your partner are tired and leave it for the next day, however, the same things happens again. You must be wondering where you are going wrong or is there anything wrong with your vagina.

female sexologist in Bhopal

“Before you start putting blame on your partner or yourself, it is important for you to know that it is a very common issues, especially in the event that you are having intercourse for the first time” says female sexologist in Bhopal. We can certainly realize how frustrating it can be for you. Before you see a female sexologist in Bhopal, we are going to present you with some potential reasons that might be responsible for your difficulties. Without wasting any time, let us begin:

You’re too tense or nervous

You are having sex for the first time, and hence, you are nervous. You don't know what's in store, and as opposed to having fun, you're on edge, and stressed that it will hurt. Or then again, you have engaged in sexual relations previously, yet you are feeling worried about your special wedding night.
“The vagina is a canal that is both muscular and flexible enough to accommodate a child. However, being tensed and anxious can contract your vagina that can lead to pain during intercourse”, says female sexologist in Bhopal.

You’re not lubricated enough

Being aroused dilates the blood vessels of your vagina, which increases the flow of blood to the vaginal walls. This makes the passage of vagina lubricated enough to have intercourse. You are ought to be lubricated enough which can contribute to the ease of penetration and pain-free intercourse. This can be achieved by having foreplay. According to female sexologist in Bhopal, you can also lubricate your vagina with the help of some silicone and water-based lubricants and massage gels available in the market, which you can apply while having intercourse to increment sexual pleasure.

Experiencing Sexual Issues As You Get Older

best Sexologist in Bhopal

As individuals gets older, they may experience some of the sexual issues that can be quite surprising for them. They develop worries about such sexual issues, and ultimately it leads to anxieties with regard to their body image, self-confidence, and their identity as a sexual being. “One of the most important things that individuals going through such situations should keep in mind is that there is nothing to worry about the changes in your body as you age”, says the best sexologist in Bhopal. Keep in mind that you are not alone. There are large number of individuals who are experiencing difficulties to adjust to changes - physically or emotionally.

Sexual Issues In Men
  • Not being able to maintain firm erection
  • Releasing less semen
  • Requirement of more time to rest in between climaxes
  • Not being easily aroused by visual stimulation
Sexual Issues In Women
  • Less desire for sex
  • Lack of lubrication
  • Night sweats
  • Problems with sleeping
  • Periods getting erratic and then stopping altogether
In the event that any of the above issues are hindering sex or feeling close to your partner, consulting with the best sexologist in Bhopal can be a great thought. We are aware of the fact that it is not simple in every case to talk about these sorts of issues. Be that as it may, your sexologist in Bhopal might have the capacity to prescribe medications that could help.

The best Sexologist in Bhopal has helped large number of individuals to have better sexual experiences as they get more aged. Our patients are regularly relieved when, as part of therapy, we take the emphasis off full intercourse, so they can rediscover a portion of the sexual delight that can be lost if there is been anxiety about sex.

Without a doubt, we speak and treat various types of sexual issues associated with our patients. Difficulties with sexual arousal, loss of desire for sex, painful sex and erectile dysfunction can often be significantly helped. We go at the pace of our patients and help them to roll out the improvements they need. More often than not, a simply consultation with best sexologist in Bhopal has the greatest effect.

Friday, December 7, 2018

What You Need To Know About Vaginal Dryness

female sexologist in Bhopal

The health of your vagina keeps changing throughout your life and it is not uncommon to go through vaginal dryness at some point of time in your life. “One of the most important thing that you need in order to find the right treatment for your vagina dryness is to figure out the reason behind the same”, says female sexologist in Bhopal.

The Most Common Causes of Vaginal Dryness

There can be several reasons behind vaginal dryness and many of the reasons are perfectly normal. In many cases, the issue of vaginal dryness fades away with time on its own. “Be that as it may, there are many things with the help of which you can make some changes that can make you more comfortable in the meantime”, female sexologist in Bhopal says.

Childbirth and breastfeeding

The level of the hormones in your body increments while you are pregnant and it drops down after the birth of baby. This can result in vaginal dryness and shrinkage in the tissues of your vagina. You may also feel a sensation of burning in your vagina and as well as itching. According to female sexologist in Bhopal, during the days of breastfeeding, the level of estrogen in your body will continue to be low, which can also result in vaginal dryness.

The level of hormones in your body will be back to its normal range after giving birth, or after stopping breastfeeding and eventually, the symptoms of vaginal dryness should go away on its own. If the vaginal dryness is bothering you a lot, you should make an appointment with female sexologist in Bhopal, who may prescribe you some products that you can purchase from any medical store and to help you get rid of vaginal dryness and discomfort during sex.


When menstruation in a women stops, it is referred to as menopause. This can also result in low level of hormones in your body, which causes vaginal dryness. “There is one women out of every three that suffers from vaginal dryness due to menopause”, says female sexologist in Bhopal. Women, aged 40-50 can experience the symptoms of menopause. The health of your vagina can be improved with the help of some medications, vaginal rejuvenation treatments, or even by changing lifestyle.

Surgery or another Treatment

Regardless of your age, there are some surgeries and treatments, such as, radiation, chemotherapy, or removal of the uterus or ovaries, can also lead to vaginal dryness. “Such types of surgeries and treatments lowers the level of estrogen which ultimately leads to vaginal dryness”, says female sexologist in Bhopal. Women who are suffering from cancer cannot make use of certain medications that contains estrogen for vaginal dryness treatment. It is advised to talk to female sexologist in Bhopal about alternative medications to try that do not contain estrogen.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Interesting Facts about Sex by the Best Sexologist in Bhopal

best sexologist in Bhopal

There are several myths and facts about sex. Here, with this post, we are going to present you with some couple of interesting facts about sex revealed by the best sexologist in Bhopal. Let us have a look at them:
  • Around 20 percent of women reach orgasm with penetration only
  • One of the most vital sexual organs in our body is the brain
  • Emotionally intimate relationship is the main source of having a healthy and fulfilling sex life
  • The quality of things that takes place in bed is directly proportional to the things that takes place outside the bed
  • The only way with which a woman may reach orgasm is through direct or indirect stimulation of clitoris
  • It take four times longer time for a women to reach orgasm as compared men on an average An estimated time for a men to reach orgasm is about 2 to 8 minutes, whereas a women might take up to 15 minutes or even longer to reach orgasm
  • Women, around 1 percent, are allergic to semen. Their skin may itch and swell when it comes in contact with semen. You can make use of condoms in such situations
  • There are chances of increment in men’s libido out of regular sex, since it increases the level of testosterone
  • There are around 6 erections in men while he sleeps. The enhances the health of penises as it brings oxygen to penile tissue
Sex: Facts or Fiction?

Every orgasm is an intense earth shattering experience

Myth: Every orgasms are varied. As matter of fact, many orgasms could be of less intensity as compared to others. Reaching orgasm should be considered as the ultimate aim. “Sex is all about the journey, not the destination”, says best sexologist in Bhopal.

A man with a bigger penis can have sex for longer

Myth: According to best sexologist in Bhopal, with regard to the length of time a man is able to make love, or his ability to satisfy his wife has nothing to do with the penis size. There are lot of factors, such as, stress levels, tiredness, the quality of the relationship and so forth, can also have impact on the performance of a men in bed.

Sperm can live for up to five days after ejaculation

Fact: Cells of sperm can be alive in the vagina of a women after intercourse for up to five days. Be that as it may, sperm that are being released outside the body lives for only few hours.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Things to Know Before You Opt For Small Penis Treatment

Small Penis Treatment

The entire World Wide Web is full of websites that are selling everything from pills to penis extenders and claims to increment the size of your penis, along with its girth. Be that as it may, the question is – do small penis treatment works?

small penis treatment in Bhopal

The anxiety of men with the size of penis has given rise to multi-million-pound global industry in clinically unproven "male enhancement products". While most men are concerned with the size of their penis, researches shows that most men's penises are normal and they do not need to worry about it at all. As per sexologist in Bhopal, it would be a great idea for men with concerns about their penis size to consider speaking to a health professional prior to experimenting with any small penis treatment, which are mostly ineffective, expensive and potentially harmful.

“Men, who are found to be worried about their penis size, generally have overall body image issues," sexologist in Bhopal says”. Consulting a sexologist in Bhopal for the same can make a real difference to the patient by building self-esteem, correcting distorted views about body image and learning more about what makes people attractive.

Here, with this post, we are going to put light on the evidence, effectiveness and safety of different types of small penis treatment options available. Let us have a look at them:

Pills and lotions

Pills and lotions for small penis treatment generally incorporate vitamins, minerals, herbs or hormones that claim to enlarge the penis. In spite of such claims, there is no medical evidence that these products work and some may even be harmful.

Vacuum devices

The mechanism of vacuum devices for small penis treatment involves placing a tube over the penis and then pumping out the air to create a vacuum. The vacuum increments the flow of blood to the penis and makes it swell. In the short-term treatment of impotence, vacuum devices are used sometimes. As per sexologist in Bhopal, there is very less evidence that these devices cause any significant long-term gain in penis size.


For men with a large tummy, Liposuction is a surgical procedure of small penis treatment in Bhopal in which fat below the abdomen is removed, making penis to appear larger. The removal of excess fat from the pubic area can make a partly buried penis appear more prominent.

What You Need To Know About Low Libido in Men

One of the biggest fears of men is loss of libido. There is all sorts of repercussions with low sex desire. The result of low sex desire can be strained relationships, depression and even loss of self-esteem. The initial step towards recovering healthy sex life is figuring out the reason behind low sex desire.
“More often than not, healthy men do not go through drop in sex hormones”, says doctors of low libido treatment in Bhopal. Be that as it may, over time, men do produce less hormones. According to doctors of low libido treatment in Bhopal, the levels of testosterone in men begin to drop after the age of 30. This condition is known as male menopause or andropause. It has been noticed that, after the age of 50 in men, 34 percent of them have low testosterone.

low sex desire treatment in Bhopal

The result of low testosterone levels can be several, such as, decreased vitality, decreased muscle mass, erectile dysfunction, increased body fat osteoporosis and so forth. Be that as it may, a large number of men with reduced levels of testosterone, are usually able to enjoy active sex lives.


Regardless of the fact that the levels of testosterone in men plays a very important part in sexual performance, low hormone levels are not the only cause of low sex desire or other sexual dysfunction. There can be many other causes, such as, diabetes, depression, high blood pressure, certain medications and so forth.

According to some researches, relationship between increased erectile dysfunction, low libido and obesity has been noticed. As per a study, obese men are more vulnerable to low sex desire and other sexual dysfunction as compared to healthy men by 25 times. If you are obese and suffering from low sex desire, there is a good news for you. Symptoms of low sex desire can be greatly improved by losing some weight. According to a study, which was published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, states that men who lost 5 to 10 percent of their body weight improved erectile dysfunction and increased their sex drives.

Here are some recommended lifestyle changes by the doctors of low libido treatment in Bhopal that can improve your low sex desire. They are:
  • Exercise regularly
  • Avoid alcohol and cigarettes
  • Commit to communicating
  • Eat libido-boosting foods
  • Be affectionate
  • Practice stress management

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

5 Tips to Find Best Sexologist in Bhopal

Are you facing issues related to your sex life? Are you eager to get rid out of them as earliest as possible? Are you ready to do anything to get the best treatment for your sexual issues?

sexologist in Bhopal

There is nothing to be ashamed of if you are going through low sex desire or have erectile dysfunction issue. All you need to do is to consult the best sexologist in Bhopal. The best sexologist in Bhopal knows how to help you conquer your built-up fears for sex and get rid of your mental and physical blockages.

Here, with this post, we are going to present you with 5 tips that can help you find the best sexologist in Bhopal. Let us have a look at them:
  1. Talk to Your Friend: Try to talk to your friends regarding your issues. They might be going through the same problem or may have experienced the same before. You should not be ashamed of any sexual issues. There are millions of men and women, who goes through the same issue like yours. It would be very helpful for you to be courageous enough to be a man and speak up to your friends regarding your issues. In case, they have consulted any sexologist in Bhopal, they can let you know.
  2. Make Search Engine Your Best Friend: You can utilize search engines like Google, Bing and so forth. They can help you find the best sexologist in your nearby area.
  3. Go Through various Newspapers and Advertisement sections: Numerous sexologist in Bhopal advertise about their services in newspapers. Do not forget to look for sexologists in Newspapers. If you find one, note down his/her number to have a word with them prior to your visit.
  4. Pay Attention to Various Hoarding in Your Town: Make a habit to checkout boards and hoarding of various doctors that can help you in your town. In order to be able to contact them as and when required, make a note of them.
  5. Do Not Be Afraid To Have a Word With Your Partner: Your partner can also help you find best sexologist in Bhopal by consulting her close friends or loved ones. Rather than trying to avoid having sex with your partner, speak up to her about your issues. She is the only one who can comprehend your sexual issues better than anyone else.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Things to Know about Female Sexual Problems

Since a quite long time, women's sexuality was considered as a taboo subject. Be that as it may, it is presently openly discussed and being presented on TV, in magazines, and on the Internet as well. Above all, woman themselves are getting well aware of their sexuality and their sexual wellbeing. “Regardless of their age, women are learning more about their sexuality”, says female sexologist in Bhopal.

female sexologist in Bhopal

What is "sexuality"? For a woman, concerning a man, sexuality includes an exceptionally wide scope of physical activities and psychological experiences. These activities satisfy the vital physical and passionate requirements for intimacy and closeness in women.

Female Sexual Problems

As per female sexologist in Bhopal, the kinds of sexual issues, found in women, correspond to the stages of the sexual response cycle. Not being able to achieve any of the stages can interfere with sexual fulfillment and thus create an issue. Any of these can be extremely upsetting for a woman, since everybody deserves a satisfying sex life. Sexual issues in a woman can be upsetting for her partner, as well, and can prompt issues in the relationship too.

Here, with this post, we are going to present you with the most common sexual issues reported by woman. Let us have a look at them.

Absence of sexual desire: Absence of desire for sex, or want for sex, is a typical issue found both in men and women, however particularly in women. Absence of sexual desire stops the sexual response cycle before it begins. “Absence of sexual desire can be a temporary issue in a few people and an ongoing issue in others”, female sexologist in Bhopal says.

Problems in getting sexually aroused or achieving orgasm: Not being able to get sexually aroused is often related to lack of desire. Be that as it may, in some cases, the women feels sexual desire yet can't get aroused. Orgasm might be delayed or not occur at all (anorgasmia). This can be extremely troublesome for a woman who feels desire and gets aroused. It can make an endless loop in which the woman loses interest for sex, since she fails to reach an orgasm. According to female sexologist in Bhopal, around 7% to 10% of women experience the ill effects of some sort of orgasmic disorder.

Pain during intercourse: More often than not, women reports pain during intercourse (dyspareunia). It isn't exceptional. Like other sexual issues, it can also make a women lose interest for sex as well.

Talking About Erectile Dysfunction with Your Specialist

If problems with getting or keeping an erection is temporary and only happens occasionally, there is nothing to be worried about. There can be numerous causes, such as, fatigue, stress, or even side effects of a medicine you just started taking.

ED treatment in Bhopal

Be that as it may, some men suffer for erectile dysfunction (ED) frequently. Although, aging is not the cause, it is more common in older men. There is a physical cause in almost 75 percent of the erectile dysfunction cases. That means it’s time to see the specialist of ED treatment in Bhopal.
How the Specialist of Erectile Dysfunction Treatment Can Help

It is strongly advised not to try to deal with erection dysfunction on your own and the reasons behind this are:

It can be treated: More often than not, treating erectile dysfunction can be as simple as taking a pill that your specialist of ED treatment prescribes. There are some medications which are meant just for ED. There are also some other options that your specialist of ED treatment in Bhopal can help you explore include:
  • Injections
  • Surgical penile implants
  • Suppositories
  • Special devices, such as, vacuum pumps, which can increment blood flow to the penis
It can be a sign of underlying serious health issues like:
  • Hardening of the arteries
  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
ED can also be related to other medical treatments, such as:
  • Prostate surgery
  • Radiation therapy
If the specialist of erectile dysfunction treatment in Bhopal is able to find the reason behind your ED issue, treating that may also help you in the bedroom.

Getting Ready for Your Visit to Specialist of erectile dysfunction treatment in Bhopal

It would be better to make an appointment with a sexologist in Bhopal. If you do not wish to disclose the reason to the receptionist why you are coming in, just let the receptionist know that you want to talk to the specialist about a male health problem.

Next, it would a great idea to make a list of information that your specialist will need. It should include:
  • Facts about your symptoms
  • When did they start?
  • Did they come on slow or fast?
  • Does it happen every time you want to have sex?
  • Is it random?
  • Is it only under certain circumstances?
It would be an unquestionable idea to get you partner along with you to the specialist, so that your partner can fill in details that you may not remember or may not have thought of.

Friday, September 14, 2018

4 Lesser-Known Reasons behind Low Sex Desire in Men

If you experience low sex desire occasionally, it is not a big deal to worry about, however, if it is a regular occurrence, know that something might be up.

low sex desire in men.jpg

Many people assume that, men do not suffer from low sex desire. However, that is not true. “They absolutely do suffer from low sex desire”, says expert of low libido treatment in Bhopal. “There can be numerous factors resulting in low libido in men”, expert of low libido treatment in Bhopal says.

If you’re dealing with one of these issues, your sex drive could be put in park. Let us have a look at them:

Cause of low sex desire: You’re getting a gut

According to a research, men, with a waist circumference of 40 inches or above, had significantly lower levels of testosterone resulting in low sex drive, as compared to men with more svelte waists. “Low testosterone is most common reason behind low sex drive”, says expert of low libido treatment in Bhopal. If you are experiencing low sex drive since a long time, consider chatting with a specialist of low libido treatment in Bhopal.

Cause of low sex desire: You snore

Snoring is related to lower testosterone levels. Snoring can be a symptom of sleep apnea. According to a research, the testosterone level rises as you sleep and falls if you’re struggling to get your ZZZs. Fortunately, there are several ways to tackle sleep apnea. “Performing a sleep study and getting treatment, such as, CPAP machine can reduce many symptoms to a large extent,” says expert of low libido treatment in Bhopal. Not only potentially boosting libido and correcting snoring, getting treatment for sleep apnea can also lower other serious health risks.

Cause of low sex desire: You take certain medications

Medications can be a miraculous solution to deal with a health condition. However, they can also be a reason behind your low sex drive. It is very important to talk to the specialist of low libido treatment in Bhopal. There is nothing to be embarrassed of about this topic. It is vital for your doctor to know if there are side effects to your medication, no matter what they might be.

Cause of low sex desire: Your cortisol levels are spiking

Cortisol is nothing but a hormone that handles your stress. Be that as it may, if your cortisol level is elevated on a continual basis, your body can get run down pretty fast. High level of cortisol over time becomes a major problem in many significant ways. If your cortisol level is high, you will be deprived of sleep, you store fat more easily, you’re anxious, you increase systemic inflammation, and you could develop thyroid problems. As per the expert of low libido treatment in Bhopal, any of these issues may result in low sex desire in men.

Monday, September 10, 2018

3 Reasons to Visit Sexologist in Bhopal

Piles, also known as Hemorrhoids in medical terms, refer to swollen veins in the lower section of the rectum and anal canal. The actual reason for these is unknown; however, some predisposing factors like excessive strain amid a prolonged period of constipation may result in piles.

top piles doctor Bhopal

People from any age may suffer from piles. You ought to get yourself checked by a piles doctor in Bhopal in light of the fact that rather than piles, it can possibly be an instance of fissure in ano or anal fissure.

It is usually to encounter pain and then bleeding caused by anal fissure, which is not quite the same in case of piles. A fissure is a little cut or tears in the in the anal canal. These injuries might be painful when touched.

Symptoms of Piles

If you experience itching, bleeding or pain, you should see a piles doctor in Bhopal. Serious piles could result in loss of a decent amount of blood, which could prompt anemia and weakness. A piles doctor in Bhopal can diagnose your issue thoroughly and lead the required inner examination and after that confirm the diagnosis of piles. An individual with piles may experience symptoms, such as, itchy, red, and sore anus area, bright red blood may appear after a bowel movement, pain occurs during the passing of a stool. Even after passing a stool, an individual with piles may experience the feeling that the bowels are still full.

Possible Causes behind Piles
  • chronic constipation
  • chronic diarrhea
  • lifting heavy weights
  • pregnancy
  • straining when passing a stool
A Piles Doctor in Bhopal May Ask You the Following Question
  • Do any close relatives have piles?
  • Has there been any blood or mucus in the stools?
  • Has there been any recent weight loss?
  • Have bowel movements changed recently?
  • What color are the stools?
Treatment in the Early Stages

In the initial stages, when there is not much bleeding, piles can be overseen by way of lifestyle changes. You ought to eat vegetables with high fiber, green leafy vegetables, whole grains, cereals and fruits. You should likewise make sure to drink a lot of liquids.

At this stage, opting for non-surgical treatment alternatives, for example, infusions and banding can be effective. You need to maintain a strategic distance from constipation, which is a noteworthy causative factor of piles, by practicing yoga. Likewise, also, try to avoid putting strain when on the toilet.

It is vital to see the best piles doctor in Bhopal if you are suffering from severe piles. Figuring out the same is no more a tedious task with invent of online directories.

How to Manage Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

Often, many men experience problem with erection from time to time. However, some men suffer from erectile dysfunction, also known as ED. That’s when they have a hard time to get or maintain an erection sufficient enough for sexual intercourse.

ED treatment in Bhopal

If you are suffering from ED, you may be thinking that getting testosterone treatment will help you with your issue. However, this is not true always. Testosterone is nothing but male sex hormone. After the age of 50, the level of testosterone level goes down in men and ED becomes more common. Until you experience other signs and symptoms of low testosterone level, you ought to think twice about testosterone treatment for ED.

Here, with this post, we are going to provide you with some steps that you can utilize to manage erectile dysfunction. Most erection problems can be solved in no time. Talk to your specialist of ED treatment in Bhopal about these steps: Let’s have a look at them:

Look for medical causes

ED can also be a warning sign of more serious underlying health conditions, such as, heart disease, high blood pressure, or diabetes. Treating those underlying health conditions can improve your overall health and your erection issues as well.

Review your medicines

Many medicines that are utilized in the treatment of high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, heartburn, allergies, pain, seizures, cancer and so forth can have side effects, which may result in ED in Men. A specialist of ED treatment in Bhopal would be able to figure out if any medicine is the reason behind your ED or not. If it is, your specialist of ED treatment in Bhopal would change the dose you take or switch you to another medicine.

Consider a medicine to boost erections

There are some medications, such as, sildenafil (Viagra), vardenafil (Levitra), and tadalafil (Cialis), that can increment the flow of blood to your penis if taken an hour before sexual activity. It is advised to speak to your specialist of erectile dysfunction treatment in Bhopal about the benefits and risks of these medicines on your health.

Get help for emotional distress

Generally, ED accompanies physical cause that can be sorted out. However, performance anxiety, depression, and relationship problems can result in ED and even make it worse. Counseling a specialist

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

When to See Specialist of Low Libido Treatment in Bhopal?

What is Low Libido?

Low libido in men refers to low desire in sexual activities. Libido levels in men vary throughout life. It is also normal to not have much interest in your partner at times. However, low libido in men for long period of time is a matter of concern for some people. Low libido may also be a cause of some underlying health condition. Hence, it is imperative for man to consult a specialist of low libido treatment in Bhopal.


Here, in this post, we have listed couple of potential indicators that can help you decide if you need to see a specialist of low libido treatment in Bhopal. Here it goes:
  1. Low Testosterone: Testosterone is considered as an important hormone in male. It is mostly produced in testicles of men. Along with stimulating sperm production, testosterone is also responsible for building muscles and bone mass. The level of your testosterone also plays a vital role into your sex drive. With the decrease in your testosterone level, you desire for sex also decreases. Low level of testosterone is a normal part of aging. However, if you notice a drastic drop in testosterone, it is time for you to see a specialist of low libido treatment in Bhopal.
  2. Medications: There are certain medications that can lower the level of testosterone, which in turn may lead to low libido in men. Blood pressure medications like ACE inhibitors and beta-blockers may cause ejaculation and erections issues in men. If you are experiencing such effects of low testosterone, it is vital for you to see a specialist of low libido treatment in Bhopal. You should switch your medications only under the guidance of a specialist of low libido treatment in Bhopal.
  3. Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS): The uncontrollable urge to move your legs is referred to as Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS). It was found in a research that men with Restless Legs Syndrome are at higher risk for developing erectile dysfunction than those without Restless Legs Syndrome. Erectile dysfunction in men refers to the inability to maintain or get an erection. If you think that RLS is the reason behind your low libido, consult the specialist of low libido treatment in Bhopal.
  4. Depression: Depression possesses the power to change all parts of a person’s life. People suffering from depression observe a reduced or complete lack of interest in activities once they were fond of, including sex. Some antidepressants, such as, serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), have side effect that can result in low libido in men. It would be a good idea to talk to the specialist of low libido treatment in Bhopal, if you are taking any antidepressants and at the same time you have a low libido. By adjusting your dose or switching to another medication, your specialist of low libido treatment in Bhopal would be able to address your side effects properly.
To get your issue of low libido resolved, it is imperative for you to see a doctor at the right time before it gets too late. We hope, the above mentioned things would help you decide at the right time whether you need to see a specialist of low libido treatment or not.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

A Comprehensive Guide to Male Dysfunction Treatment in Bhopal

The most obvious symptom of male dysfunction, often know as erectile dysfunction, is not being able to get or maintain an erection in penis. Erectile dysfunction in male or male dysfunction is considered normal if someone is not being able to get or maintain an erection occasionally. However, if the problem of male dysfunction becomes frequent or lasts for a long time, it is advised to see a specialist of male dysfunction treatment in Bhopal for good.

male dysfunction treatment in Bhopal

There can be numerous causes behind male dysfunction. Sometimes, the cause of erectile dysfunction can be another health issue. The foremost step towards achieving a better sex life includes the understanding of the signs and the causes of male dysfunction. If you are suffering from male dysfunction, you might experience:
  • Reduced sex desire
  • Trouble getting an erection
  • Trouble keeping an erection for a long enough period of time
  • Feelings of embarrassment or guilt
  • Low self-esteem
Symptoms of Other Sexual Disorders

There are some sexual disorders which are related to erectile dysfunction. These sexual disorders may cause symptoms that may overlap, such as:
  • The inability to have an orgasm after sufficient stimulation
  • Delayed ejaculation (when ejaculation takes too long)
  • Premature ejaculation (ejaculating too soon)
To Deal with Male Dysfunction Problem, You Can Choose From:
  • Therapy or counselling
  • Exercise and lifestyle changes
  • Medication or devices.
Depending upon the reason behind your erectile dysfunction, a specialist of male dysfunction treatment in Bhopal can help you figure out the right solution that would work for you perfectly.

Why Do Symptoms Happen?

An erection happens when blood fills the penis. Regularly, when a man turns out to be sexually aroused, veins, muscles, nerves, and hormones work together to make an erection. Symptoms of ED (Erectile Dysfunction) can happen when this procedure is disrupted. Some men just experience symptoms occasionally. For others, the symptoms are consistent and meddle with their sexual relationships.

The Role of Hormones in Male Dysfunction

At times, ED may also happen when your hormones are out of balance. Your specialist of male dysfunction treatment in Bhopal can perform a blood test to check if everything is fine with your hormones.

Other Factors to Consider Regarding Male Dysfunction

Use of tobacco and alcohol can also play a vital role behind erectile dysfunction in male. Moreover, medical procedures or surgeries that target the spinal cord or pelvic region can also be a reason for erectile dysfunction. Radiation treatment to the testicles can likewise cause male dysfunction.

When Should You See a Doctor About Male Dysfunction?

It would be an unquestionable idea to see a specialist of male dysfunction treatment in Bhopal if you are suffering consistently with getting or maintaining an erection. You should also see a professional sexologist in Bhopal if you are suffering from issues with premature ejaculation or delayed ejaculation. There are many men who feel embarrassed to speak to the specialist of male dysfunction treatment in Bhopal about their symptoms. Keep in mind that your healthcare provider’s duty is to enable you to find an effective treatment for your condition and to listen to your concerns.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Erectile Dysfunction – The Worst Nightmare for Men

Men with erectile dysfunction suffer great embarrassment as well as lack of confidence. For a man, just a mere thought of inability to erect his penis can make his life miserable as hell. Though erection of penis is a natural process, blood vessels in penis of people suffering from erectile dysfunction fails to retain blood resulting in failure of penis erection.

erectile dysfunction

There can be two causes of erectile dysfunction in men – Physical cause and psychological cause. The cure for erectile dysfunction in men depends upon the cause of the problem. There are several forms of erectile dysfunction treatment or small penis treatment in Bhopal, such as, topical creams to pills to injections or surgeries. The good news is that most of the patients get good results very soon.

Let us take a brief look at the common causes of erectile dysfunction in men.

Physical Causes

Diabetes: Diabetes in men often damages the nerves and vessels that are responsible for carrying blood to the penis which results in erectile dysfunction.

Kidney Diseases: Hormones and blood flow to the penis are hindered by any kidney diseases resulting in erectile dysfunction.

Blood Vessel Diseases: Several blood vessel diseases, such as, narrowed arteries, blocked arteries, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and so forth, can slow down the flow of blood to the penis resulting in erectile dysfunction.

Psychological Causes

Stress: No matter, whether your stress is related to work or life; it is one of the major causes of erectile dysfunction in men. High stress leads to various hormonal changes.

Guilt: The feeling of guilt in the brain of a man about his failure to fulfill his partner’s sexual desire can result in erectile dysfunction.

Depression: The advanced stage of anxiety disorder is known as depression. Including erectile dysfunction, depression is also a cause of multiple physical as well as psychological problems in males.

There is nothing to worry about if you are not being able to get your penis erected during sex once in a while. Often it happens with many people. However, if you are not being able to get your penis up or maintain an erection on many occasions for at least 2 months, it is time to consult a sexologist in Bhopal. You may be tempted to consult your family doctor. However, it would be better to consult a sexologist in Bhopal who is suitably trained to treat such problems.

Get Non-Surgical ED Treatment in Bhopal

ED treatment in Bhopal refers to Erectile Dysfunction treatment in Bhopal. Going through erectile dysfunction can be an embarrassing and scary situation for a man to deal with. It is also known as impotence when a man cannot maintain erection of his penis for longer. Are you looking out for options of ED treatment in Bhopal? If yes, this post is only for you.


There can be countless numbers of reasons behind erectile dysfunction in man, such as, stress, tension, anxiety, over excitement, medical conditions and so forth. It is imperative to find the cause of the erectile dysfunction and get it treated. According to several studies, erectile dysfunctions can occur at any age. 5% of men, aged 40 years, have experienced erectile dysfunction and the figure increases to 25% in men aged 65 years. Hence, you should make certain that, it is something that specialist of ED treatment in Bhopal deals with regularly. It is nothing to be embarrassed of speaking about it to your health care provider. Scheduling an appointment a specialist for ED treatment in Bhopal is very imperative to get the best possible treatment.

There are three components for a man that must take place to achieve and maintain an erection that results in ejaculation. First of all, the nerves to penis must be working properly and should not have any damage or any scar tissue. Second, blood circulation to the penis should be impeded. Third, adequate stimulation should be received by the brain. Your specialist of erectile dysfunction treatment in Bhopal would be able to determine if the cause of the problem lies within these three areas.

Some other reasons behind erectile dysfunction may also include high amount of alcohol intake, stress, tension, blood pressure, anxiety, depression and so on. All the above mentioned issues need to be addressed and the appropriate treatment should be prescribed accordingly to solve the problem of erectile dysfunction. Also, if your problem is related to stress, fatigue, anxiety, and depression, your specialist of ED treatment in Bhopal may recommend you to consult a psychologist for the treatment.

ED treatment in Bhopal may include herbal treatment, surgery, lifestyle changes, or drug therapy. Do not try to diagnose the problem yourself. It would be better to consult a doctor to figure out what is the best available treatment option for you.

Friday, July 13, 2018

Tips to Find the Best Sexologist in Bhopal

Sexual dysfunction is a more typical condition than most couples will acknowledge. In most of the cases, the condition might be at the initial stage where the erection subsides down following a couple of minutes. If you have been experiencing the issue for quite a while, the time has come to see a Sexologist in Bhopal. Since there is boundless absence of information among couples and a level of hesitation, finding a Sexologist in Bhopal can be an extremely troublesome task for many. Here in this post we are going to share with you some tips to find the best Sexologist in Bhopal.

Sexologist in Bhopal

Before you meet the Sexologist in Bhopal, do not forget to ensure that the specialist is a MD. Specialists will normally specify their qualifications alongside their name. It is easier to check out the qualification of the specialist when searching online. A reputable Sexologist in Bhopal will dependably have a professional website that gives complete information about the specialist along with testimonials.

The best Sexologist in Bhopal would not just treat your condition; they will likewise prescribe every one of the safety measures that should be taken during and after the treatment. There are numerous dos and don'ts related with the treatment of sexual dysfunction, and neglecting to follow them can negate the effectiveness of the treatment.

When meeting the Sexologist in Bhopal, try to find out about the interest and knowledge of the specialist. The specialist should take nothing less than 30 minutes to examine your condition and propose the treatment plan. If the underlying appointment is too short, it is an indication that either the specialist is excessively occupied or you need to find a more dedicated Sexologist in Bhopal to get yourself treated.

After a couple of sessions, it is basic to evaluate the treatment plan. The best Sexologist in Bhopal will give a treatment that has a positive outcome on your relationship, influencing you to feel nearer as a couple. If you do not perceive any positive physical and emotional changes, you should examine it with the Sexologist in Bhopal again. Since there are several treatment plans in this field, it is basic to keep an open line of communication with your Sexologist in Bhopal. The Sexologist in Bhopal will change the treatment in view of how your body reacts to the underlying treatment.